Digital Resources
The Hartford Library, Inc.

• Adult fiction and non-fiction books
• Recent best-sellers
• Audio books on CD
• Large print books
• Magazines and local newspapers
• 5 public computers with internet access
• Wireless internet service
• Interlibrary loan service
• Photocopier and fax service
• Federal and Vermont income tax forms
• Movies on DVD
• Senior Outreach Program
Young Adult Area with fiction and non-fiction books
Magazines for teens
DVD’s for teens
Juvenile fiction and non-fiction books
Picture books
Green Mountain Book Award nominees
Dorothy Canfield Fisher Award nominees
Red Clover Award nominees
Audio books on CD
Music CD’s
Movies on DVD
Story hour each Thursday at 10:00 am (includes craft activities and snack
Reading club for 7-12 year-olds every other Thursday at 3:00 pm during the school year.
Summer Reading Program for children of all ages.